Rhum Belami: The First Premium Rhum Made In Vietnam
I recently returned for a business trip to Ho Chi Mihn City and I was lucky enough to bring one of these back with me. You might not know this, but Vietnam grows excellent sugar, and from sugar comes rum / rhum. Quite possibly, this is the only bottle of Rhum Belami in the entire United States at this moment! I suspect this will change before long.
And what a story! Here’s a photo of Roddy Battajon, distiller and founder of the company who generously hand-delivered my bottle to our offices. Read his story by clicking here.
I grew up watching my grandmother make rhum.

This amber colored rhum has a very strong aroma of mango and papaya, amazing! I was advised by the distiller that it’s perfect as it is over ice and I’d have to agree. The fruit aroma follows with a strong fruit flavor. In fact, the flavor is almost strong enough to be a liqueur.
Are his rhum products good? Well, don’t take my word for it:
Nobody’s itching for a stiff glass of snake wine at the end of a long day
At the moment you’ll need to travel to Vietnam to add this to your collection. In the meantime, I suggest you connect with Roddy and his team here on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RhumBelami/
- Legacy Edition: this a fruity and spicy rhum that is perfect for many occasions such as enjoying a drink with friends in a bar.
- Premium Rhum: made of organic coconut, Kopi Luwak coffee beans, roasted chocolate, Bandé wood and other, its sweetness will perfectly fit with a dessert (I advise to drink it with a red fruits dessert)
- White Rhum: this rhum is still in process but I want it to herbs twisted: lemongrass, basilica for instance.
Remember, you heard it here first!